Nos Pares, Wenjing Sui e Cong Han conquistaram o primeiro lugar, com uma liderança apertada sobre os russos Aleksandra Boikova e Dmitrii Kozlovskii.
No individual masculino, Nathan Chen (foto) não errou e abriu 13 pontos de vantagem sobre o japonês Yuzuru Hanyu, que perdeu um salto.
Os chineses Wenjing Sui e Cong Han justificaram o favoritismo: mesmo com erros na saída de um lançamento, onde Sui tocou o gelo com a mão e em um levantamento que recebeu apenas nível 2, a dupla marcou 77.50 pontos e ficou no primeiro lugar do Programa Curto.
Sui e Han não ficaram satisfeitos com o que apresentaram: 'A patinação e execução do programa ficou um pouco presa, e fizemos alguns erros. Para o Programa Livre de amanhã, queremos apenas fazer o nosso melhor', disse Sui em entrevista.
O segundo lugar ficou com os russos Aleksandra Boikova e Dmitrii Kozlovskii, que em um programa limpo conquistaram 76.65 pontos.
A dupla comentou que espera entrar mais relaxada no Programa Livre, e fazer uma performance ainda melhor: 'Hoje nós dois estávamos um pouco nervosos, e acho que podemos mostrar mais emoção e mais confiança na nossa patinação', disse Boikova. Kozlovskii falou sobre a importância de fazer uma patinação mais artística e emotiva no programa curto, uma versão instrumental da canção 'My Way', de Frank Sinatra:
'O programa é uma interpretação de nós mesmos, de nossas almas. No qual nós tentamos encontrar a nós mesmos, nossa estrada certa, nosso caminho'.
Em terceiro ficaram os também russos Daria Pavliuchenko e Denis Khodykin que apresentaram um programa limpo e bastante firme, conquistando 75.16 pontos.
Um programa limpo com valor de base alto, executado com firmeza garantiu o primeiro lugar no Programa Curto para Nathan Chen, dos EUA.
O norte-americano somou 110.38 pontos. Chen se mostrou feliz com o resultado, mas adiantou que ainda está em fase de planejamentos para sua performance no Programa Livre, no sábado, onde apresenta seu medley de Elton John: 'Estou feliz com o salto quádruplo Lutz, mas estava um pouco incerto no Triplo Axel e um pouco incerto no Toeloop.
Ainda não sei como vai ser o Programa Livre, tenho dois dias para ajustar e tenho que pensar. Não sei como vai ser a programação dos saltos vai ser, mas eu adoro o programa e estou ansioso para apresentá-lo.'
O bicampeão olímpico Yuzuru Hanyu, do Japão, em contraste se mostrava bastante frustrado: realizou com excelência quase todo o programa, mas teve o resultado gravemente comprometido com um erro severo na combinação de saltos quádruplo toeloop e triplo toeloop: o quádruplo saiu com uma aterrissagem complicada e o triplo não pode ser executado.
O erro custou a Hanyu uma perda de 10 pontos apenas no elemento isolado, e o valor de base mais baixo de seu programa aumentou a diferença para 13 pontos, na prática a distância que ficou de Chen no fim do dia: 'Pus energia demais no programa e cometi um erro que não acontece com frequência. Pensei que talvez eu pudesse fazer essa combinação na base da pura força de vontade, mas realmente não deu.'
Hanyu se apresentou no seu Programa Curto sem a presença de seus técnicos: segundo o próprio Hanyu sua equipe apenas conseguiu credenciamento para um técnico, e a agenda simultânea à competição estava muito cheia, o que fez com que Ghislain Briand fosse o designado para a ocasião.
Mas o técnico de saltos canadense teve um incidente pessoal antes de viajar para a Itália e não pode estar presente. Tracy Wilson está acompanhando Jason Brown, que disputa o Golden Spin de Zagreb e Brian Orser ficou no Canadá, onde diversas provas locais estão sendo disputadas, cuidando de pelo menos quatro alunos juniores.
Hanyu no entanto negou que a ausência dos técnicos tenha influenciado de algum modo no erro que cometeu: 'Mesmo não podendo vir, acho que Brian e Tracy me apoiaram. A ausência dos técnicos não foi a razão para meu erro. Em todo caso, indo para depois de amanhã (dia do Programa Livre), estarei calculando como usar cada minuto e cada segundo. Quero verificar o que falta e ajustar tudo o que precise ser ajustado, caso apenas minha habilidade não me baste.'
A tristeza com a performance de hoje também foi maior por Hanyu considerar uma boa atuação em Turim como uma homenagem a Johnny Weir e Evgeni Plushenko, patinadores que considera seus ídolos desde a infância e que tiveram atuações notáveis nas Olimpíadas de Inverno de 2006, disputadas na cidade italiana: 'Este programa foi aquele com o qual Johnny Weir ficou em segundo lugar no Programa Curto da Olimpíada. Eu queria muito fazer uma boa performance. E mesmo que eu diga o quanto estou frustrado agora, nada vai mudar. A diferença de pontos agora é bem grave.'
A boa surpresa do dia foi o francês Kevin Aymoz, que fez uma performance artística e eletrizante, não errou, realizou um salto quádruplo logo na abertura e conquistou o terceiro lugar, menos de um ponto atrás de Hanyu.
Aymoz teve que superar um inimigo inesperado: uma falha técnica trocou a execução de sua música de performance, o que o obrigou a controlar os nervos e esperar. 'Eu estava tão confiante quando eu saí, mas quando a música não tocou eu me senti tão sozinho ficando lá no gelo como se eu fosse o único ser neste mundo. Mas quando a música começou eu esqueci disso totalmente e foi um prazer compartilhar minha atuação. É trabalho de um patinador manter o foco não importa o que aconteça e achei que aquele era meu momento.'
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China and the United States took the lead on the first day of the Figure Skating Grand Prix Finals at the Palavela Arena in Turin, Italy.
In the Doubles, Wenjing Sui and Cong Han took first place with a tight lead over Russians Aleksandra Boikova and Dmitrii Kozlovskii.
In the men's single, Nathan Chen (pictured right) made a mistake and opened up 13 points over Japanese Yuzuru Hanyu, who missed a jump.
Chinese Wenjing Sui and Cong Han justified the favoritism: even with errors coming out of a launch where Sui touched the ice with his hand and in a level 2 lift, the duo scored 77.50 points and took first place in the Program. I enjoy.
Sui and Han were not satisfied with what they presented: 'The skating and running of the program got a little stuck, and we made some mistakes. For Tomorrow's Free Program, we just want to do our best, 'Sui said in an interview.
Second place went to the Russians Aleksandra Boikova and Dmitrii Kozlovskii, who in a clean program won 76.65 points.
The pair commented that they hope to get more relaxed into the Free Program, and perform even better: 'Today we were both a little nervous, and I think we can show more excitement and more confidence in our skating,' said Boikova. Kozlovskii talked about the importance of skating more artistically and emotionally on the short show, an instrumental version of Frank Sinatra's song 'My Way':
'The program is an interpretation of ourselves, of our souls. In which we try to find ourselves, our right road, our way. '
In third place were also Russians Daria Pavliuchenko and Denis Khodykin who presented a clean and very firm program, earning 75.16 points.
A clean, high-base program that was firmly executed secured first place in the US Nathan Chen Short Program.
The American totaled 110.38 points. Chen was happy with the result, but said he was still in the planning stages for his performance on the Free Show on Saturday, where he presented his Elton John medley: 'I'm happy with the fourfold Lutz jump, but I was a little uncertain at the Triple Axel and a little uncertain on Toeloop.
I still don't know how the Free Program will be, I have two days to adjust and I have to think. I don't know what the jumping schedule will be like, but I love the show and I look forward to introducing it. '
Japan's two-time Olympic Yuzuru Hanyu, in contrast, was quite frustrated: he performed almost the entire program with excellence, but had the result severely compromised by a severe mistake in combining four-toop and four-to-four jumps: the four left with one landing complicated and triple cannot be performed.
The mistake cost Hanyu a 10 point loss in the single element alone, and the lower base value of her program increased the gap to 13 points, in practice the distance from Chen at the end of the day: 'I put too much energy in the program and made a mistake that doesn't happen often. I thought maybe I could make this combination on the basis of sheer willpower, but it really didn't work. '
Hanyu performed in his Short Program without the presence of his coaches: according to Hanyu himself his team only obtained accreditation for one coach, and the simultaneous schedule of the competition was very full, which made Ghislain Briand the designated one for the occasion. .
But the Canadian jumping coach had a personal incident before traveling to Italy and could not be present. Tracy Wilson is accompanying Jason Brown, who plays Zagreb's Golden Spin, and Brian Orser stayed in Canada, where several local races are being held, taking care of at least four junior students.
Hanyu however denied that the absence of the coaches had somehow influenced the mistake he made: 'Even though I can't come, I think Brian and Tracy supported me. The absence of the technicians was not the reason for my mistake. In any case, going to the day after tomorrow (Free Program day), I'll be calculating how to use every minute and every second. I want to check what is missing and adjust whatever needs to be adjusted, if only my ability is not enough for me. '
The sadness of today's performance was also greater because Hanyu considered a good performance in Turin as a tribute to Johnny Weir and Evgeni Plushenko, skaters who consider their idols since childhood and who had notable performances at the 2006 Winter Olympics, held in Italian city: 'This program was the one with which Johnny Weir was second in the Short Program of the Olympics. I really wanted to do a good performance. And even if I say how frustrated I am now, nothing will change. The point difference is now quite serious. '
China and the United States took the lead on the first day of the Figure Skating Grand Prix Finals at the Palavela Arena in Turin, Italy.
In the Doubles, Wenjing Sui and Cong Han took first place with a tight lead over Russians Aleksandra Boikova and Dmitrii Kozlovskii.
In the men's single, Nathan Chen (pictured right) made a mistake and opened up 13 points over Japanese Yuzuru Hanyu, who missed a jump.
Chinese Wenjing Sui and Cong Han justified the favoritism: even with errors coming out of a launch where Sui touched the ice with his hand and in a level 2 lift, the duo scored 77.50 points and took first place in the Program. I enjoy.
Sui and Han were not satisfied with what they presented: 'The skating and running of the program got a little stuck, and we made some mistakes. For Tomorrow's Free Program, we just want to do our best, 'Sui said in an interview.
Second place went to the Russians Aleksandra Boikova and Dmitrii Kozlovskii, who in a clean program won 76.65 points.
The pair commented that they hope to get more relaxed into the Free Program, and perform even better: 'Today we were both a little nervous, and I think we can show more excitement and more confidence in our skating,' said Boikova. Kozlovskii talked about the importance of skating more artistically and emotionally on the short show, an instrumental version of Frank Sinatra's song 'My Way':
'The program is an interpretation of ourselves, of our souls. In which we try to find ourselves, our right road, our way. '
In third place were also Russians Daria Pavliuchenko and Denis Khodykin who presented a clean and very firm program, earning 75.16 points.
A clean, high-base program that was firmly executed secured first place in the US Nathan Chen Short Program.
The American totaled 110.38 points. Chen was happy with the result, but said he was still in the planning stages for his performance on the Free Show on Saturday, where he presented his Elton John medley: 'I'm happy with the fourfold Lutz jump, but I was a little uncertain at the Triple Axel and a little uncertain on Toeloop.
I still don't know how the Free Program will be, I have two days to adjust and I have to think. I don't know what the jumping schedule will be like, but I love the show and I look forward to introducing it. '
Japan's two-time Olympic Yuzuru Hanyu, in contrast, was quite frustrated: he performed almost the entire program with excellence, but had the result severely compromised by a severe mistake in combining four-toop and four-to-four jumps: the four left with one landing complicated and triple cannot be performed.
The mistake cost Hanyu a 10 point loss in the single element alone, and the lower base value of her program increased the gap to 13 points, in practice the distance from Chen at the end of the day: 'I put too much energy in the program and made a mistake that doesn't happen often. I thought maybe I could make this combination on the basis of sheer willpower, but it really didn't work. '
Hanyu performed in his Short Program without the presence of his coaches: according to Hanyu himself his team only obtained accreditation for one coach, and the simultaneous schedule of the competition was very full, which made Ghislain Briand the designated one for the occasion. .
But the Canadian jumping coach had a personal incident before traveling to Italy and could not be present. Tracy Wilson is accompanying Jason Brown, who plays Zagreb's Golden Spin, and Brian Orser stayed in Canada, where several local races are being held, taking care of at least four junior students.
Hanyu however denied that the absence of the coaches had somehow influenced the mistake he made: 'Even though I can't come, I think Brian and Tracy supported me. The absence of the technicians was not the reason for my mistake. In any case, going to the day after tomorrow (Free Program day), I'll be calculating how to use every minute and every second. I want to check what is missing and adjust whatever needs to be adjusted, if only my ability is not enough for me. '
The sadness of today's performance was also greater because Hanyu considered a good performance in Turin as a tribute to Johnny Weir and Evgeni Plushenko, skaters who consider their idols since childhood and who had notable performances at the 2006 Winter Olympics, held in Italian city: 'This program was the one with which Johnny Weir was second in the Short Program of the Olympics. I really wanted to do a good performance. And even if I say how frustrated I am now, nothing will change. The point difference is now quite serious. '
The good surprise of the day was Frenchman Kevin Aymoz, who made an artistic and electrifying performance, made no mistake, made a fourfold jump right into the opening and took third place, less than a point behind Hanyu.
Aymoz had to overcome an unexpected enemy: a technical failure changed the performance of his performance song, which forced him to control his nerves and wait. 'I was so confident when I left, but when the music didn't play I felt so alone standing there on the ice like I was the only being in this world. But when the song started I totally forgot about it and it was a pleasure to share my performance. It's a skater's job to stay focused no matter what, and I thought this was my moment. '
Aymoz had to overcome an unexpected enemy: a technical failure changed the performance of his performance song, which forced him to control his nerves and wait. 'I was so confident when I left, but when the music didn't play I felt so alone standing there on the ice like I was the only being in this world. But when the song started I totally forgot about it and it was a pleasure to share my performance. It's a skater's job to stay focused no matter what, and I thought this was my moment. '
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