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domingo, 7 de julho de 2019

Patins Freestyle: Joe Atkinson e Chihiro Azuma vencedores do Roller Freestyle. Barcelona 2019. -- Freestyle: Joe Atkinson and Chihiro Azuma winners of Roller Freestyle. Barcelona 2019.

O britânico Joe Atkinson deixa o World Roller Games neste domingo subindo ao topo do pódio para receber a medalha de ouro na disciplina de Roller Freestyle, após confirmar as expectativas do público após sua apresentação no sábado no Palau Sant Jordi. Atkinson, que chegou com a melhor pontuação, superou o francês Nicolas Servy e Jeremy Melique, que conquistaram as medalhas de prata e bronze, respectivamente.


Atkinson completou seu desempenho com 92 pontos, enquanto Servy acrescentou 91,33 pontos e Melique - segundo na WRG Nanjing 2017-, 89,33. O australiano Christopher Wellsmore, segundo nas semifinais no sábado, só conseguiu o sexto lugar, enquanto o japonês Yuto Goto, que foi apresentado ao WRG2019 como um dos grandes candidatos ao ouro, se classificou em quinto lugar.

Nas mulheres, a japonesa Chihiro Azuma, campeã do World Roller Games de Nanjing 2017, terminou sua apresentação em primeiro lugar, confirmando o papel de favorita que ela tinha antecipadamente. Com 83.79 pontos, ele venceu confortavelmente seu compatriota Misaki Katayama (79.67), segundo, e Dierren Manon (75), terceiro.

Por outro lado, a campeã espanhola Mery Muñoz, que no sábado obteve a melhor pontuação entre os semifinalistas e apontou para o pódio, teve de se contentar com o quinto lugar. Por seu turno, a catalã Sara Vilella foi sexto.

Fotos: M. Casanova


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Freestyle: Joe Atkinson and Chihiro Azuma winners of Roller Freestyle. Barcelona 2019.

The British Joe Atkinson leaves the World Roller Games this Sunday having risen to the top of the podium to receive the gold medal in the discipline of Roller Freestyle, after confirming the crowd expectations after his performance on Saturday at Palau Sant Jordi. Atkinson, who came with the best score, has overtaken the French Nicolas Servy and Jeremy Melique, who have won the silver and bronze medals, respectively.

Atkinson has completed his performance with 92 points, while Servy has added 91.33 points and Melique -second in the WRG Nanjing 2017-, 89.33. The Australian Christopher Wellsmore, second in the semifinals on Saturday, could only get the sixth place, while the Japanese Yuto Goto, who was presented to the WRG2019 as one of the great candidates for gold, has qualified in fifth place.

In women, the Japanese Chihiro Azuma, champion at the World Roller Games of Nanjing 2017, has finished her performance in the first place, confirming the role of favourite that she had in advance. With 83.79 points, he won comfortably over his compatriot Misaki Katayama (79.67), who was second, and Dierren Manon (75), third.

On the other hand, the Spanish champion Mery Muñoz, who on Saturday obtained the best score among the semifinalists and pointed to podium, has had to settle for fifth place. For its part, the Catalan Sara Vilella has been sixth.

Photos: M. Casanova

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