Evento pretende fomentar o esporte na cidade, especialmente no ambiente escolar.
A adrenalina vai tomar conta dos betinenses neste sábado (6), com a Copa Estudantil de BMX, que acontecerá na pista de bicicross Aquileu Franco do Amaral, das 8h às 13h. A primeira etapa acontecerá entre os alunos da Escola Estadual Juscelino Kubtischek, e a expectativa é que, de acordo com as parcerias que forem fechadas, os campeões sejam conhecidos em dezembro.
Organizado pela Associação dos Pais e Amigos do Bicicross (ASPAM), com o apoio da Secretaria Municipal de Esportes, o evento pretende fomentar o BMX em ambiente escolar. "Além de promovermos o esporte, queremos divulgar nossa escolinha de bicicross, que oferece treinamento às terças e quintas-feiras, a partir das 18h, em um espaço que fica ao lado da pista de BMX. Temos oito bicicletas e equipamentos para empréstimo e as aulas são gratuitas", ressaltou. Para mais informações sobre o campeonato e a escolinha: (31) 3595-2957.
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BMX Tournament reaches the schools of Betim, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Event aims to foster sport in the city, especially in the school environment.
Adrenaline will take care of the betinenses on Saturday (6), with the BMX Student Cup, which will take place at the bike lane Aquileu Franco do Amaral, from 8am to 1pm. The first stage will happen among the students of the Juscelino Kubtischek State School, and the expectation is that, according to the partnerships that are closed, the champions will be known in December.
Organized by the Association of Parents and Friends of Bicicross (ASPAM), with the support of the Municipal Sports Department, the event aims to promote BMX in a school environment. "In addition to promoting the sport, we want to promote our bicicross school, which offers training on Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting at 6pm, in a space next to the BMX track. We have eight bicycles and equipment for loan and classes are free, "he said. For more information about the championship and the school: (31) 3595-2957.
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