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sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2018

Camila Borges, Dora Varella, Emily Antunes, Isadora Pacheco, Leticia Gonçalves passam de fase e se juntam a Yndiara Asp. Semi e final serão nesta quinta. -- Five Brazilians advance to the semifinals in the World of Skate.

Cinco brasileiras avançam para a semi no Mundial de Skate.

O Brasil teve 100% de aproveitamento no primeiro dia do Campeonato Mundial de Skate Park, disputado em Nanquim, na China. Nesta quarta (31), o país esteve representado por cinco brasileiras, Camila Borges, Dora Varella, Emily Antunes, Isadora Pacheco, Leticia Gonçalves na eliminatória feminina e todas avançaram para a semifinal, que será disputada já nesta quinta (1), assim como a final feminina.

No ranqueamento da eliminatória, o top 8 teve três brasileiras, com Isadora Pacheco na 5ª colocação (46.67), Emily Antunes em 6ª (41.10) e Dora Varella em 8ª (40.01); Camila Borges foi a 17ª (27.00) e a última vaga ficou com Leticia Gonçalves, que passou em 23ª (21.01).

Foram 23 vagas distribuídas entre as classificadas, que se juntam a outras sete atletas previamente classificadas na semifinal, totalizando 30 na disputa. O Brasil terá nada menos que seis skatistas (20% são brasileiras). Yndiara Asp já inicia a disputa diretamente na semifinal, pois atingiu as finais na última etapa do Vans Park Series, disputada na semana anterior também na China.

O Campeonato Mundial de Skate Park terá ainda as disputas masculinas a partir de sexta-feira (2), com a eliminatória, e a semi e final no sábado (3)

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Five Brazilians advance to the semifinals in the World of Skate.

Camila Borges, Dora Varella, Emily Antunes, Isadora Pacheco, Leticia Gonçalves pass the stage and join Yndiara Asp. Semi and final will be this Thursday.

Brazil had a 100% advantage in the first day of the World Championship of Skate Park, disputed in Nanking, in China. On Wednesday (31st), the country was represented by five Brazilians, Camila Borges, Dora Varella, Emily Antunes, Isadora Pacheco and Leticia Gonçalves in the women's qualifying round and all advanced to the semifinal, which will be played on Thursday (1) the women's final.

In the ranking of the tie, the top 8 had three Brazilian, with Isadora Pacheco in the 5th place (46.67), Emily Antunes in 6th (41.10) and Dora Varella in 8th (40.01); Camila Borges was the 17th (27.00) and the last wave was with Leticia Gonçalves, who went on 23rd (21.01).

There were 23 places among the classified, joining the other seven athletes previously classified in the semifinal, totaling 30 in the dispute. Brazil will have no fewer than six skateboarders (20% are Brazilian). Yndiara Asp starts the race directly in the semifinal as he reached the finals in the last stage of the Vans Park Series, played the previous week also in China.

The World Championship of Skate Park will also have the men's contests from Friday (2), with the tie, and the semi and final on Saturday (3)

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