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segunda-feira, 22 de outubro de 2018

Skatista Kelvin Hoelfer faturou a medalha de prata no X Games Sydney, na modalidade skate street com 92.66, contra 96.00 do americano Nyjah Huston ganhador do ouro. -- Skater Kelvin Hoelfer won the silver medal at X Games Sydney in the skate street mode at 92.66 against 96.00 of the gold-winning American Nyjah Huston.

Em terceiro lugar ficou Shane O’neill.

Nos dez melhores da modalidade skate street, outro brasileiro teve boa colocação, foi Luan Oliveira que terminou a competição em sexto lugar. Porém os skatistas Carlos Ribeiro e Felipe Gustavo não tiveram bom desempenho.

Na sexta-feira (19), a brasileira Leticia Bufoni terminou com a medalha de prata na disputa do skate street feminino, Bufoni fez 88 pontos, contra 89 da medalhista de ouro Mariah Duran, a americana tem apenas 21 anos de idade. Outra brasileira Pâmela Rosa ficou em quarto lugar com 80 pontos.

O evento na Austrália conta com as modalidades: BMX Big Air, BMX Street, BMX Sujeira, Skateboard Big Air -Sm Skate’s, Street , Marca de skate da rua, Moto X Freestyle, Moto X Melhor Truque, Moto X Best Whip, Moto X Intensificar, Moto X Quarterpipe High Air, Moto X Doubles.

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--in via tradutor do google
Skater Kelvin Hoelfer won the silver medal at X Games Sydney in the skate street mode at 92.66 against 96.00 of the gold-winning American Nyjah Huston.

Third was Shane O'neill.

In the ten best of the skate street mode, another Brazilian had good placement, it was Luan Oliveira who finished the competition in sixth place. But the skaters Carlos Ribeiro and Felipe Gustavo did not perform well.

On Friday (19), the Brazilian Leticia Bufoni finished with the silver medal in the women's street skate contest, Bufoni made 88 points, against 89 of gold medalist Mariah Duran, the American is only 21 years old. Another Brazilian Pâmela Rosa was in fourth place with 80 points.

The event in Australia has the following modalities: BMX Big Air, BMX Street, BMX Dirt, Big Air Skateboard -Sm Skate's, Street, Street Brands, Motorcycle X Freestyle, Motorcycle X Best Trick, Motorcycle X Best Whip, Motorcycle X Intensify, Moto X Quarterpipe High Air, Moto X Doubles.

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