Neste final de semana o atleta goioerenses, Weliton André do Nascimento (Edii Mof) e seu filho Anthony participaram do Campeonato Pan-Americano de BMX Racing, que aconteceu na cidade de Americana, competição que contou com 1.200 competidores do Brasil e outros países como Chile, Colômbia, Equador e Bolívia. No domingo (26), a pista de bicicross realizou a Copa Latino Americana,
Weliton André do Nascimento explica que apesar de ter realizado um boa prova no Panamericano, ficando em 3º lugar, acabou sendo desclassificado após pisar fora da faixa ficando em 8º lugar.
Na competição Latino Americano conquistou o 5º lugar.
O pequeno atleta Anthony Isaac Gomes do Nascimento, competindo pela categoria Balance Bike (até 5 anos) ficou com a 5ª colocação no Panamericano e no Campeonato Latino Americano ficou em 4º lugar.
AGRADECIMENTO. Weliton agradece a parceria com a Administração Municipal, que concedeu a ele o Bolsa Atleta que tem permitido competir em diversas provas no Paraná e Brasil, e também aos patrocinadores: Amitec, Unimed e Visaonet.
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Athletes from Goioerê, a municipality in Parana, Brazil, are prominent in Panamericano and Latin American BMX.
This weekend the athlete from Goiás, Weliton André do Nascimento (Edii Mof) and his son Anthony participated in the Pan-American BMX Racing Championship, which took place in the city of Americana, a competition that had 1,200 competitors from Brazil and other countries such as Chile , Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia. On Sunday (26), the bike racetrack held the Latin American Cup,
Weliton André do Nascimento explains that although he had a good race at Panamericano, being in 3rd place, he ended up being disqualified after stepping out of the track to 8th place.
In the Latin American competition, he won the 5th place.
The small athlete Anthony Isaac Gomes do Nascimento, competing for the category Balance Bike (up to 5 years) was in 5th place in Panamericano and in the Latin American Championship was in 4th place.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Weliton thanks the partnership with the Municipal Administration, which granted him the Athlete Scholarship which has allowed him to compete in various events in Paraná and Brazil, as well as to the sponsors: Amitec, Unimed and Visaonet.
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