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terça-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2019

Em 2019, Sorria muito, Brinque, Faça novas amizades, ande de patins na Mega Roller Skate Park. -- In 2019, Smile a lot, Play, Make new friends, skateboard in the Mega Roller Skate Park. -

Patinar é muito bom. 

A maior pista de patinação sobre rodas do Brasil.

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-This report is guaranteed to verify the address of the LINK above
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In 2019, Smile a lot, Play, Make new friends, skateboard in the Mega Roller Skate Park. -

Skating tip on vacation in São Paulo, Brazil. - Skating tip on vacation in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The largest roller-skating rink in Brazil.

Skating is very good.

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