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sexta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2018

O time feminino do Irã chega às finais da Copa do Mundo RollBall em 22 de fevereiro 2017 -- Women’s team’s of Iran reach RollBall World Cup finals. in 22 February 2017.

TEERÃ, 22 de fevereiro (MNA) - A equipe de futebol feminino do Irã derrotou o Quênia para garantir um lugar nas finais da 4ª Copa do Mundo RollBall em Bangladesh.

Competindo nas semifinais do evento esportivo, representantes femininas do Irã ofereceram performances atraentes contra os rivais quenianos e conseguiram uma vitória decisiva a caminho do confronto final.

O time africano abriu a partida com um gol, apesar de o time feminino do Irã ter marcado um gol de empate depois do encontro de cabeça-a-cara.

O segundo gol do Irã acende os jogadores quenianos, já que eles conseguiram alcançar o terceiro gol da equipe persa, que derrotou o Quênia em meio ao espanto de especialistas no torneio.

Bangladesh sediará a quarta edição da Copa do Mundo de RollBall com a participação de 40 equipes.

O mega evento está sendo realizado no recém-construído Sheikh Russell Roller Skating Complex, em Dhaka, de 17 a 23 de fevereiro, com 40 e 27 equipes de homens e mulheres, respectivamente.

No evento masculino, 16 equipes da Ásia, 11 da África, oito da Europa, três da América do Sul e uma da Oceania participarão dividindo-se em oito grupos. O segmento feminino também terá oito grupos.

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Women’s team’s   of Iran  reach RollBall World Cup finals. in 22 February 2017.

TEHRAN, Feb. 22 (MNA) – Women’s roll ball team of Iran defeated Kenya to secure a place in finals of the 4th RollBall World Cup underway in Bangladesh.

Competing in the semifinals of the sportive event, female representatives of Iran offered eye-catching performances against Kenyan rivals and managed to pull out a decisive victory en route to the final showdown.

The African team opened the match with a goal though Iran’s female roll ball squad scored an equalizer later into the neck-on-neck encounter.

Iran’s second goal ignites Kenyan players as they managed to catch up though a third goal was netter by the Persian side who thrashed Kenya amid astonishment of experts in the tournament hall.

Bangladesh is hosting the fourth edition of RollBall World Cup with the participation of 40 teams. 

The mega event is being held at the newly constructed Sheikh Russell Roller Skating Complex in Dhaka from February 17 to 23 with 40 and 27 men’s and women’s team’s respectively.

In the men’s event, 16 teams from Asia, 11 from Africa, eight from Europe, three from South America and one from Oceania will take part splitting into eight groups. Women’s segment will also have eight groups.

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