As corridas que aconteceram no domingo, 30, pela quarta etapa da Copa Regional Ricardo Alves de BMX, contaram com a participação de 47 pilotos do Paulínia Racing Bicicross. Muitos são alunos do projeto socioesportivo e estão iniciando no esporte, participando pela primeira vez de uma competição.
A quinta e última etapa da Copa Regional acontecerá no dia 25 de novembro em Paulínia. “Vamos fechar mais uma competição cumprindo com o objetivo do evento que é dar rodagem aos alunos das escolinhas de BMX que existem na região e integrando crianças e jovens ao universo competitivo, onde eles aprendem no dia a dia e nas etapas ganhando ou perdendo”, comentou Júlio Brustolin, presidente do Paulínia Racing Bicicross.
A Escola Paulínia Racing Bicicross tem o patrocínio do Instituto Carlos Roberto Hansen da Tigre e da Air Liquide Brasil e, via LPIE (Lei Paulista de Incentivo ao Esporte) da SELJ (Secretaria de Estado de Esporte Lazer e Juventude).
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With the stands full on a special day that marked the reopening of the course of Cosmopolis, Vila Monte Alegre, Paulínia, São Paulo, Brazil, the students of the Escola Paulínia Racing Bicicross returned with 5 titles.
The races that took place on Sunday, 30, for the fourth stage of the Ricardo Alves Regional BMX Cup, had the participation of 47 riders from Paulínia Racing Bicicross. Many are students of the socio-sport project and are starting in the sport, participating for the first time in a competition.
The fifth and final leg of the Regional Cup will take place on November 25 in Paulínia. "We are going to close another competition, fulfilling the objective of the event that is to shoot the students of the BMX schools that exist in the region and integrating children and young people into the competitive universe, where they learn on a daily basis and in the stages of winning or losing," commented Júlio Brustolin, president of Paulínia Racing Bicicross.
The Paulínia Racing Bicicross School is sponsored by the Instituto Carlos Roberto Hansen da Tigre and Air Liquide Brasil and, through the SELPA (State Department of Leisure and Youth Affairs), through the LPIE (Paulista Sports Incentive Law).
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