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quinta-feira, 2 de agosto de 2018

Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil, recebe etapa de campeonato de BMX neste domingo. - Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, receives a BMX championship stage on Sunday.

O Parque dos Bilhares será a casa da adrenalina e do esporte radical neste domingo, 5/8, a partir das 15h, ao sediar a 2ª Etapa do Circuito Brasileiro Overground BMX Flatland Series 2018. Realizado pela MUF Association, a Prefeitura de Manaus estará apoiando o campeonato em que os atletas precisam fazer manobras radicais sobre uma bicicleta BMX de aro 20.

O evento, coordenado pelas secretarias municipais de Juventude, Esporte e Lazer (Semjel) e de Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade (Semmas), contará com atletas brasileiros com experiência internacional na modalidade, entre eles estarão o atual campeão brasileiro Francisco Lima, conhecido como ‘Pequeno’, e o amazonense Márcio Soares, que em 2017 ficou entre os sete melhores atletas do país.

Postado por Marcus Barros - 02/08/2018

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Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, receives a BMX championship stage on Sunday.

The Bilhares Park will be the home of adrenaline and radical sports this Sunday, 5/8, starting at 3pm, when hosting the 2nd Stage of the Brazilian Circuit Overground BMX Flatland Series 2018. Conducted by the MUF Association, the City of Manaus will be supporting the championship in which athletes need to make radical maneuvers on a BMX bike of rim 20.

The event, coordinated by the municipal secretariats of Youth, Sports and Leisure (Semjel) and Environment and Sustainability (Semmas), will feature Brazilian athletes with international experience in the modality, among them will be the current Brazilian champion Francisco Lima, known as' Small ', and the Amazonian Márcio Soares, who in 2017 was among the seven best athletes in the country.

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