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terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2018

Galã de Teresa cai brutalmente de patins e compartilha o momento. “Te cães, te levantas, sigues..”, - Teresa's gal falls brutally on skates and shares the moment. "You dogs, you get up, you follow ...",

Protagonistas de Teresa, Aarón Diaz, sofreu um acidente enquanto praticava esporte. O intérprete de Mariano do folhetim mexicano andava de patins quando perdeu o controle, deslizou e levou um enorme tombo.

O momento foi compartilhado em suas redes sociais e preocupou seus fãs. Aarón Diaz estava sendo filmado no momento, e resolveu continuar seu percurso. Ao se levantar, ele disse que estava tudo bem e seguiu em frente.

“Te cães, te levantas, sigues..”, escreveu ele ao postar o momento. Aarón retorna para as telinhas brasileiras com a reprise de Teresa. No México ele esteve recentemente para divulgar o lançamento de um filme e revelou na ocasião que tem planos de voltar para as novelas.

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--in via tradutor do google
Teresa's gal falls brutally on skates and shares the moment. "You dogs, you get up, you follow ...",

Protagonists of Teresa, Aarón Diaz, suffered an accident while practicing sport. Mariano's interpreter from the Mexican leaflet was on roller skates when he lost control, slid and took a huge fall.

The moment was shared on their social networks and worried their fans. Aarón Diaz was being filmed at the time, and decided to continue his journey. When he got up, he said it was okay and he moved on.

"You dogs, you get up, you follow," he wrote in posting the moment. Aarón returns to the Brazilian telinhas with the reprise of Teresa. In Mexico he was recently to announce the release of a film and revealed at the time that he has plans to return to the novels.

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