Na próxima terça-feira, 11 Desembro 2018, a comunidade venâncio-airense vai conhecer os grandes destaques do esporte de Venâncio Aires. Uma solenidade na Câmara de Vereadores vai reunir atletas, dirigentes e a comunidade esportiva para conhecer os agraciados de 2018.
Lívia Haas Heinen, na lista de atletas
1. Arthur Roehl Bernstein - Futsal AUBF
2. Bayard Bizarro de Oliveira Santos - Kart VKC
3. Bruno Braz - Futebol de areia da Taça da Amizade
4. Bruno Quadros - Futsal e Futebol Ong SeloR17
5. Camila dos Santos Gomes - Fisiculturismo Academia Corpo Ideal
6. Camila Tostes da Rosa - Futsal Feminino Taça da Amizade
7. Carlos Wiebbelling - Kart VKC
8. Davi Giuliani Fin - Xadrez Escola Monte das Tabocas
9. Éder Luis Martins - BMX Mocva
10. Eduardo Webber - Futebol E.C.Guarani
11. Gabriel Batista Freitag - Basquetebol EMEF Cidade Nova
12.Gabriel Marth - Futebol Sete escolinha Taça da Amizade
13. Geisebel Cristine Gomes - Futebol Sete feminino Taça da Amizade
14. Gustavo dos Santos Fiuza - Futebol Ong SeloR17
15. Jair Mahl - Futebol Sete veteranos Taça da Amizade
16. Leandro Daniel dos Santos Silva - Fisiculturismo Academia Corpo Ideal
17. Leandro Kebin - Boliche Silver Bowling Bar
18. Leonardo Antônio de Borba - BMX Mocva
19. Lívia Haas Heinen - Patinação artistica Patins Sul
20. Luana da Costa - Judô Sova
21. Luana Inês da Silva Martins - Futsal Escola Crescer
22. Luciano Scheibler - Futsal veteranos Taça da Amizade
23. Magno dos Santos - Futsal força livre Taça da Amizade
24. Marcelo Duarte Ferreira - Judô Sova
25. Marcus Konzen - Futebol Taça da Amizade
26. Maria Bertram Seibt - Bolão Soc. dos Motoristas
27. Murilo Portella - Futebol E.C.Guarani
28. Naiara Simões - Patinação artistica Patins Sul
29. Nandriely Vanderlise Gollmann - Atletismo Escola Crescer
30. Nathália Bortoluzzi - Patinação artistica Patins Sul
31. Paulinho Campos - Futebol de areia força livre Taça da Amizade
32. Paulo Adair Simon - Bocha Balneário Webber
33. Rafael Henrique Debald - Veloterra Mocva
34. Roberto Janisch - Futebol sete força livre Taça da Amizade
35. Robson Moraes Santos - Futebol E.C.Palanque
36. Rodrigo Fausto - Futebol americano Bulldogs
37. Rodrigo Weschenfelder - Futebol E.C. Guarani
38. Sabrina Seleri - Voleibol Feminino
39. Thomás Severo - Jiu-Jitsu Garra Team Venâncio Aires
40. Valdir Scheibler - Futsal Veteranos Copa Assespe
41. Valmor de Souza Costa - Futebol de areia veteranos Taça da Amizade
42. Vanice Daniela Machado - Futebol de areia feminino Taça da Amizade
43. Volnei Ruaro - Futebol aspirante Taça da Amizade
44. Willian Cassiano Ferreira - Futsal força livre Copa Assespe
45. Yasmin Hickmann dos Santos - Futsal Escola Crescer
em 2016
Ela ainda é uma menina, mas já tem talento e dedicação de gente grande. E haja fôlego para tantos treinamentos! Com 12 anos, Lívia Haas Heinen participará de cinco modalidades, divididas em oito provas, durante o Campeonato Brasileiro de Patinação e Torneio Nacional, que vai ocorrer entre os dias 14 e 23 de abril, em Venâncio Aires.
Para competir em Figuras Obrigatórias e Quarteto (na classe internacional); e em Free Dance, Solo Dance e Livre, Lívia está treinando desde novembro de 2015. São treinamentos técnicos e de danças, os quais ocorrem durante seis dias por semana, tanto em Venâncio Aires, quanto em Santa Cruz do Sul. Sim! Nesta competição, a atleta vai contar com a vantagem de entrar em quadra 'em casa'.
Lívia em sua participação no
Campeonato Gaúcho de 2016
Patinadora desde os 4 anos, Lívia conta que tudo iniciou como uma brincadeira entre colegas de escola. "Ficava observando as maiores, a e vontade de evoluir foi aumentando. Com o passar do tempo, os treinamentos foram se intensificando e tive a primeira participação em um campeonato."
Lívia iniciou sua participação em competições por meio da Copa Sul, organizada pelo seu clube, a Pattins Sul. Depois, veio o Torneio Gaúcho e, finalmente, o Torneio Nacional, no qual, em sua primeira participação, ficou campeã em Figuras Obrigatórias, e em quarto lugar no Livre.
Em 2016, ao participar do Campeonato Gaúcho, Lívia também conquistou uma série de medalhas de ouro, em modalidades como Free Dance, Solo Dance, Figuras Obrigatórias e Open Loops.
"O objetivo neste momento é a classificação para o Pan-americano, além de bons resultados nas provas. Uma meta é participar de um campeonato internacional e poder evoluir cada vez mais."
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In 2016, Lívia Haas Heinen, comments: The goal is to participate in the international championship and to be able to evolve more and more. "
Next Tuesday, 11 Desember 2018, the venâncio-Aranian community will know the great highlights of the sport of Venâncio Aires. A solemnity in the City Council will bring together athletes, leaders and the sports community to meet the winners of 2018.
Lívia Haas Heinen, on the list of athletes
1. Arthur Roehl Bernstein - Futsal AUBF
2. Bayard Bizarro de Oliveira Santos - VKC Kart
3. Bruno Braz - Friendship Cup Football
4. Bruno Quadros - Futsal and Futebol Ong SeloR17
5. Camila dos Santos Gomes - Body Building Ideal Bodybuilding
6. Camila Tostes da Rosa - Women's Futsal Cup of Friendship
7. Carlos Wiebbelling - VKC Kart
8. Davi Giuliani Fin - Chess School Monte das Tabocas
9. Éder Luis Martins - BMX Mocva
10. Eduardo Webber - E.C.Guarani Football
11. Gabriel Batista Freitag - Basketball EMEF Cidade Nova
12.Gabriel Marth - Soccer Sete Escolinha Cup of Friendship
13. Geisebel Cristine Gomes - Soccer Seven Women's Cup of Friendship
14. Gustavo dos Santos Fiuza - Futebol Ong SeloR17
15. Jair Mahl - Football Seven veterans Cup of Friendship
16. Leandro Daniel dos Santos Silva - Body Building Ideal Bodybuilding
17. Leandro Kebin - Bowling Silver Bowling Bar
18. Leonardo Antônio de Borba - BMX Mocva
19. Livia Haas Heinen - Figure Skating Southern Skating
20. The Gathering
21. Luana Inês da Silva Martins - Futsal School Growing
22. Luciano Scheibler - Futsal veterans Cup of Friendship
23. Magno dos Santos - Futsal free-kick Cup of Friendship
24. The Smashing Pumpkins
25. Marcus Konzen - Football Friendship Cup
26. Maria Bertram Seibt - Driver Soc. Drivers
27. Murilo Portella - E.C.Guarani Football
28. Naiara Simões - Figure Skating South Skate
29. Nandriely Vanderlise Gollmann - Athletics School Growing
30. Nathália Bortoluzzi - Figure Skating South Patins
31. Paulinho Campos - Free soccer sand power Cup of Friendship
32. Paulo Adair Simon - Webber Balneário Botelho
33. Rafael Henrique Debald - Veloterra Mocva
34. Roberto Janisch - Football seven free strength Cup of Friendship
35. Robson Moraes Santos - Futebol E.C.Palanque
36. Rodrigo Fausto - American Football Bulldogs
37. Rodrigo Weschenfelder - Futebol E.C. Guarani
38. Sabrina Seleri - Women's Volleyball
39. Thomás Severo - Jiu-Jitsu Team Garran Venâncio Aires
40. Valdir Scheibler - Futsal Veterans Cup Assespe
41. Valmor de Souza Costa - Football veterans sandal Cup of Friendship
42. Vanice Daniela Machado - Women's football Cup of Friendship
43. Volnei Ruaro - Soccer aspiring Cup of Friendship
44. Willian Cassiano Ferreira - Futsal free-kick Assespe Cup
45. Yasmin Hickmann dos Santos - Futsal Growing School
in 2016
She's still a girl, but she already has the talent and dedication of big people. And there is breath for so many trainings! At age 12, Lívia Haas Heinen will participate in five modalities, divided in eight races, during the Brazilian National Skating and Tournament Championship, which will take place between 14 and 23 April in Venâncio Aires.
To compete in Compulsory Figures and Quartet (in the international class); and in Free Dance, Solo Dance and Livre, Lívia has been training since November 2015. They are technical and dance training, which takes place six days a week, both in Venâncio Aires and in Santa Cruz do Sul. In this competition, the athlete will have the advantage of entering the court 'at home'.
Lívia in his participation in the Campeonato Gaúcho de 2016
Skater since the age of 4, Lívia says that everything started as a joke among school friends. "I was watching the bigger ones, and the desire to evolve increased. Over time, the training intensified and I had the first participation in a championship."
Lívia began her participation in competitions through the South Cup, organized by her club, Pattins Sul. Then came the Gaúcho Tournament, and finally the National Tournament, in which, in her first participation, she became champion in Compulsory Figures, and fourth in the Free.
In 2016, when participating in the Campeonato Gaúcho, Lívia also won a series of gold medals in modalities such as Free Dance, Solo Dance, Compulsory Figures and Open Loops.
"The goal at this moment is to qualify for the Pan American Games, as well as good results at the races, and one goal is to participate in an international championship and to be able to evolve more and more."
Skating by: Ana Flávia Hantt
In 2016, Lívia Haas Heinen, comments: The goal is to participate in the international championship and to be able to evolve more and more. "
Next Tuesday, 11 Desember 2018, the venâncio-Aranian community will know the great highlights of the sport of Venâncio Aires. A solemnity in the City Council will bring together athletes, leaders and the sports community to meet the winners of 2018.
Lívia Haas Heinen, on the list of athletes
1. Arthur Roehl Bernstein - Futsal AUBF
2. Bayard Bizarro de Oliveira Santos - VKC Kart
3. Bruno Braz - Friendship Cup Football
4. Bruno Quadros - Futsal and Futebol Ong SeloR17
5. Camila dos Santos Gomes - Body Building Ideal Bodybuilding
6. Camila Tostes da Rosa - Women's Futsal Cup of Friendship
7. Carlos Wiebbelling - VKC Kart
8. Davi Giuliani Fin - Chess School Monte das Tabocas
9. Éder Luis Martins - BMX Mocva
10. Eduardo Webber - E.C.Guarani Football
11. Gabriel Batista Freitag - Basketball EMEF Cidade Nova
12.Gabriel Marth - Soccer Sete Escolinha Cup of Friendship
13. Geisebel Cristine Gomes - Soccer Seven Women's Cup of Friendship
14. Gustavo dos Santos Fiuza - Futebol Ong SeloR17
15. Jair Mahl - Football Seven veterans Cup of Friendship
16. Leandro Daniel dos Santos Silva - Body Building Ideal Bodybuilding
17. Leandro Kebin - Bowling Silver Bowling Bar
18. Leonardo Antônio de Borba - BMX Mocva
19. Livia Haas Heinen - Figure Skating Southern Skating
20. The Gathering
21. Luana Inês da Silva Martins - Futsal School Growing
22. Luciano Scheibler - Futsal veterans Cup of Friendship
23. Magno dos Santos - Futsal free-kick Cup of Friendship
24. The Smashing Pumpkins
25. Marcus Konzen - Football Friendship Cup
26. Maria Bertram Seibt - Driver Soc. Drivers
27. Murilo Portella - E.C.Guarani Football
28. Naiara Simões - Figure Skating South Skate
29. Nandriely Vanderlise Gollmann - Athletics School Growing
30. Nathália Bortoluzzi - Figure Skating South Patins
31. Paulinho Campos - Free soccer sand power Cup of Friendship
32. Paulo Adair Simon - Webber Balneário Botelho
33. Rafael Henrique Debald - Veloterra Mocva
34. Roberto Janisch - Football seven free strength Cup of Friendship
35. Robson Moraes Santos - Futebol E.C.Palanque
36. Rodrigo Fausto - American Football Bulldogs
37. Rodrigo Weschenfelder - Futebol E.C. Guarani
38. Sabrina Seleri - Women's Volleyball
39. Thomás Severo - Jiu-Jitsu Team Garran Venâncio Aires
40. Valdir Scheibler - Futsal Veterans Cup Assespe
41. Valmor de Souza Costa - Football veterans sandal Cup of Friendship
42. Vanice Daniela Machado - Women's football Cup of Friendship
43. Volnei Ruaro - Soccer aspiring Cup of Friendship
44. Willian Cassiano Ferreira - Futsal free-kick Assespe Cup
45. Yasmin Hickmann dos Santos - Futsal Growing School
in 2016
She's still a girl, but she already has the talent and dedication of big people. And there is breath for so many trainings! At age 12, Lívia Haas Heinen will participate in five modalities, divided in eight races, during the Brazilian National Skating and Tournament Championship, which will take place between 14 and 23 April in Venâncio Aires.
To compete in Compulsory Figures and Quartet (in the international class); and in Free Dance, Solo Dance and Livre, Lívia has been training since November 2015. They are technical and dance training, which takes place six days a week, both in Venâncio Aires and in Santa Cruz do Sul. In this competition, the athlete will have the advantage of entering the court 'at home'.
Lívia in his participation in the Campeonato Gaúcho de 2016
Skater since the age of 4, Lívia says that everything started as a joke among school friends. "I was watching the bigger ones, and the desire to evolve increased. Over time, the training intensified and I had the first participation in a championship."
Lívia began her participation in competitions through the South Cup, organized by her club, Pattins Sul. Then came the Gaúcho Tournament, and finally the National Tournament, in which, in her first participation, she became champion in Compulsory Figures, and fourth in the Free.
In 2016, when participating in the Campeonato Gaúcho, Lívia also won a series of gold medals in modalities such as Free Dance, Solo Dance, Compulsory Figures and Open Loops.
"The goal at this moment is to qualify for the Pan American Games, as well as good results at the races, and one goal is to participate in an international championship and to be able to evolve more and more."
Skating by: Ana Flávia Hantt
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