O skate será um dos principais carros chefes da delegação brasileira na Olimpíada de Tóquio 2020. Potência na modalidade, o país está entre os melhores do mundo nas quatro categorias em disputa – street e park no masculino e feminino. Estados Unidos e Japão serão os principais rivais dos skatistas verde-amarelos.
Faltando menos de dois anos para a Olimpíada, o que é, simultaneamente, muito e pouco tempo, podemos dizer que o país poderá chegar com oito, até nove chances de medalha em Tóquio 2020. Isso tem tudo para se transformar em dois, três ou até mesmo quatro pódios.
No Park masculino, Pedro Barros está sempre entre os primeiros colocados. Foi campeão recentemente do Red Bull Rippers. Ficou em segundo lugar na etapa Huntington Beach e quarto colocado em Minneapólis. Ano passado, foi vice-campeão mundial, assim como em 2016.
A seleção tem outros três nomes: Murilo Peres, Luizinho Francisco e Ítalo Peñarubia. Murilo tem sido regular, sempre ali em quinto, sexto ou sétimo nas principais competições. No Mundial do ano passado, porém, ficou fora da final. Luizinho foi terceiro colocado recentemente no Red Bull Bowl e tem conseguido boas notas, principalmente nas eliminatórias dos torneios.
O street masculino é, talvez, o que o Brasil tenha mais atletas entre os melhores do mundo. Kelvin Hoefler, Luan Oliveira, Tiago Lemos, Carlos Ribeiro e Felipe Gustavo estão sempre entre os finalistas nas principais competições.
Kelvin foi bronze no Mundial do ano passado, além de ter sido terceiro colocado em Los Angeles, Long Beach, Londres, China e Minneápolis neste ano. Foi campeão no X-Games da Noruega neste ano e em Minneápolis ano passado. É muito regular.
Luan Oliveira, Tiago Lemos, Carlos Ribeiro e Felipe Gustavo têm conseguido bons resultados. Felipe, por exemplo, foi segundo em Tampa e terceiro em Oslo.
No street feminino, o Brasil tem dois grandes nomes no skate: Leticia Bufoni e Pâmela Rosa. Letícia vem de algumas lesões nos últimos meses, mas ainda sim conseguiu grandes resultados esse ano, como a medalha de ouro na etapa da Noruega do X-Games. No Mundial do ano passado, ficou com a medalha de prata, perdendo o título na última manobra. Já Pâmela foi campeã esse ano no importante torneio de Long Beach, foi quarta colocada na etapa de Londres e quinta em Minneapólis. Ano passado, no Mundial, ficou em quinto lugar.
A seleção brasileira ainda tem dois nomes na categoria: Monica Torres e Gabriela Mazetto. Elas ainda estão abaixo das duas citadas acima, mas têm totais condições de participarem dos Jogos de Tóquio e ficar entre as primeiras colocadas.
Na teoria, a categoria park feminina é a que o Brasil tem menos chance de pódio nas principais competições. Mas, ainda assim, Yndiara Asp e Dora Varella tem conseguindo grandes resultados. Yndiara foi campeã, há quatro dias, do Red Bull Rippers, e foi quarta colocada em Minneapólis, e segunda colocada em uma das etapas do X-Games. Ano passado, foi oitava colocada no Mundial.
Dora foi campeã continental nos dois últimos anos, em eventos importantes, mas sem a participação de todas as atletas, e foi décima colocada no Mundial do ano passado. Isadora Pacheco, de apenas 13 anos, e Camila Borges completam a seleção.
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Beginning in Tokyo 2020, skateboarding will have four different categories, and Brazil will fight for medals in all.
Skateboarding will be one of the top drivers of the Brazilian delegation at the Tokyo Olympics 2020. Power in the modality, the country is among the best in the world in the four categories in dispute - street and park in the male and female. The United States and Japan will be the main rivals of the yellow-green skaters.
With less than two years to go before the Olympics, which is both a very, very short time, we can say that the country can reach eight, up to nine medal chances in Tokyo 2020. This has everything to turn into two, three or even four podiums.
In the men's park, Pedro Barros is always among the first placed. He recently won the Red Bull Rippers. He was second in the Huntington Beach stage and fourth placed in Minneapólis. Last year, he was runner-up world champion, just like in 2016.
The selection has three other names: Murilo Peres, Luizinho Francisco and Ítalo Peñarubia. Murilo has been regular, always there in fifth, sixth or seventh in the main competitions. At last year's World Cup, however, was out of the final. Luizinho was third placed recently in the Red Bull Bowl and has obtained good grades, mainly in the eliminatory ones of the tournaments.
The men's street is, perhaps, what Brazil has more athletes among the best in the world. Kelvin Hoefler, Luan Oliveira, Tiago Lemos, Carlos Ribeiro and Felipe Gustavo are always among the finalists in the main competitions.
Kelvin was a bronze at last year's World Championship, in addition to being third placed in Los Angeles, Long Beach, London, China and Minneapolis this year. He was a champion at X-Games in Norway this year and in Minneapolis last year. It is very regular.
Luan Oliveira, Tiago Lemos, Carlos Ribeiro and Felipe Gustavo have achieved good results. Felipe, for example, was second in Tampa and third in Oslo.
In the women's street, Brazil has two big names in skateboarding: Leticia Bufoni and Pâmela Rosa. Leticia has come from a few injuries in recent months, but still managed to achieve great results this year, such as the gold medal in Norway's X-Games stage. At the World Cup last year, he was awarded the silver medal, losing the title in the last maneuver. Pâmela was champion this year at the important Long Beach tournament, was fourth placed in the London stage and fifth in Minneapólis. Last year, in the World, it was in fifth place.
The Brazilian team still has two names in the category: Monica Torres and Gabriela Mazetto. They are still below the two mentioned above, but they have total conditions to participate of the Games of Tokyo and to be among the first placed.
In theory, the female park category is the one that Brazil has the least chance of podium in the main competitions. But even so, Yndiara Asp and Dora Varella have achieved great results. Yndiara was four days champion Red Bull Rippers and was fourth in Minneapolis, and second placed in one of the stages of X-Games. Last year, she was eighth placed in the World Cup.
Dora has been continental champion for the past two years, in major events but without the participation of all athletes, and was tenth in last year's World Cup. Isadora Pacheco, just 13, and Camila Borges complete the selection.
Beginning in Tokyo 2020, skateboarding will have four different categories, and Brazil will fight for medals in all.
Skateboarding will be one of the top drivers of the Brazilian delegation at the Tokyo Olympics 2020. Power in the modality, the country is among the best in the world in the four categories in dispute - street and park in the male and female. The United States and Japan will be the main rivals of the yellow-green skaters.
With less than two years to go before the Olympics, which is both a very, very short time, we can say that the country can reach eight, up to nine medal chances in Tokyo 2020. This has everything to turn into two, three or even four podiums.
In the men's park, Pedro Barros is always among the first placed. He recently won the Red Bull Rippers. He was second in the Huntington Beach stage and fourth placed in Minneapólis. Last year, he was runner-up world champion, just like in 2016.
The selection has three other names: Murilo Peres, Luizinho Francisco and Ítalo Peñarubia. Murilo has been regular, always there in fifth, sixth or seventh in the main competitions. At last year's World Cup, however, was out of the final. Luizinho was third placed recently in the Red Bull Bowl and has obtained good grades, mainly in the eliminatory ones of the tournaments.
The men's street is, perhaps, what Brazil has more athletes among the best in the world. Kelvin Hoefler, Luan Oliveira, Tiago Lemos, Carlos Ribeiro and Felipe Gustavo are always among the finalists in the main competitions.
Kelvin was a bronze at last year's World Championship, in addition to being third placed in Los Angeles, Long Beach, London, China and Minneapolis this year. He was a champion at X-Games in Norway this year and in Minneapolis last year. It is very regular.
Luan Oliveira, Tiago Lemos, Carlos Ribeiro and Felipe Gustavo have achieved good results. Felipe, for example, was second in Tampa and third in Oslo.
In the women's street, Brazil has two big names in skateboarding: Leticia Bufoni and Pâmela Rosa. Leticia has come from a few injuries in recent months, but still managed to achieve great results this year, such as the gold medal in Norway's X-Games stage. At the World Cup last year, he was awarded the silver medal, losing the title in the last maneuver. Pâmela was champion this year at the important Long Beach tournament, was fourth placed in the London stage and fifth in Minneapólis. Last year, in the World, it was in fifth place.
The Brazilian team still has two names in the category: Monica Torres and Gabriela Mazetto. They are still below the two mentioned above, but they have total conditions to participate of the Games of Tokyo and to be among the first placed.
In theory, the female park category is the one that Brazil has the least chance of podium in the main competitions. But even so, Yndiara Asp and Dora Varella have achieved great results. Yndiara was four days champion Red Bull Rippers and was fourth in Minneapolis, and second placed in one of the stages of X-Games. Last year, she was eighth placed in the World Cup.
Dora has been continental champion for the past two years, in major events but without the participation of all athletes, and was tenth in last year's World Cup. Isadora Pacheco, just 13, and Camila Borges complete the selection.
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